There will be tens of thousands of women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer every single year until there is a cure. Until research delivers that cure we have to educate as many women as possible.
Early detection can save a tremendous amount of lives. The "Simple Pink Ribbon" is a website developed to helping with awareness, education, and encouragement of those lives.
The more men, women and children we can arm with breast cancer information, the more control we will have over this disease.
In sharing my personal journey I have come to realize that this is an everyday battle for me and other women.
I'm am now part of a group of fighters who have a common goal in eliminating breast cancer.
As this website grows it will provide informational articles on nutrition, exercises, facts and pictures that will help with breast cancer awareness.
None of the women associated with breast cancer picked this fight, but as a group we can stand together and go the distance for the WIN.