Why The Title Simple Pink Ribbon?
Why the title Simple Pink Ribbon? Some of you may be asking why did I choose this title?
First of all, make no mistake, there was nothing “simple” about my breast cancer journey. As a matter of fact, this process was anything but simple. Personally, I describe the journey as the hardest, most complicated thing I have EVER done in my ENTIRE life, hands down!
So you ask again, why Simple Pink Ribbon?
As you may know, the pink ribbon represents breast cancer awareness and hope. It is my goal to EDUCATE, ENCOURAGE, and EMPOWER anyone who is going through this devastating diagnosis. As a result, whether you yourself, a loved one, or friend, has been diagnosed, I want to provide you with information to encourage you through this process. Therefore, in the end you will be more knowledgeable and empowered as you steer through your own journey.
So why Simple Pink Ribbon?
I would like to help you navigate through this treacherous process, in a more SIMPLE way. It probably seems like all you hear is complicated, hard to understand, “medical talk” along the way. However, let’s just keep it SIMPLE here.
This is a place that you can use as a resource to help guide you through your breast cancer journey. This site is designed for the person who is diagnosed with breast cancer, their family, or friends. I know first hand that the emotional roller coaster of dealing with breast cancer is not only hard on the person diagnosed with breast cancer, but also on those closest to them. I invite you all to share in my journey to remind you that you are not alone. As I share my story, I want to wish you good luck on your journey as well.
- Published in breast cancer, Pink Ribbon
Pink Ribbon | What Does It Mean?
What is the meaning of the pink ribbon? The pink ribbon is the world wide symbol for awareness and support of breast cancer.

pink breast cancer awareness ribbon
First of all, it is important for you to know that a “ribbon” in general, of any color, represents awareness and support.
Cancer Awareness Ribbons
There are many other cancers that are recognized by a colored ribbon as you can see below.
Pink Ribbon History
The history of the pink ribbon began with a 68-year-old California woman named Charlotte Haley. Charlotte’s sister, daughter, AND granddaughter all had breast cancer. Because of her personal experience with breast cancer, she decided to distribute peach-colored ribbons. Her goal was to call attention to what she perceived as inadequate funding for breast cancer research. She handed out each set of the handmade ribbons with a note that read “the National Cancer Institute annual budget is $1.8 billion, only 5 percent goes for cancer prevention. Help us wake up our legislators and America by wearing this ribbon”.
In the fall of 1991, the Susan G. Komen Foundation handed out pink ribbons to those who participated in the New York City race for breast cancer survivors. As a result, the peach ribbons transitioned into pink ribbons.
The pink ribbon is recognized internationally, and is displayed in many forms to represent breast cancer awareness, support, and hope. Therefore, when you wear a pink ribbon , or the color pink in general, it is one way to express your moral support and recognition. This expression is typically to breast cancer survivors, their families and friends.
I will tell you however, that personally, when I received my first gift, with a pink ribbon on it, I wasn’t excited. As a matter of fact I wasn’t even appreciative. Don’t misunderstand, I was thankful to the person that bought it, just not appreciative of what it meant. In the beginning, I actually resented those gifts. I didn’t look forward to getting them. Mostly for the fact that I kept wanting this diagnosis to be a mistake. And it took some time for me to be “truly” accepting of the diagnosis. So don’t feel compelled to go out to purchase breast cancer “paraphernalia” right away.
In conclusion, being diagnosed with breast cancer is such an emotional journey. While some may be more accepting sooner than others, it is normal for it to take time to digest your new diagnosis. Today, however, I am proud of EVERY pink ribbon in my life! As a matter of fact, pink is now my second favorite color. I now appreciate what the pink ribbon truly means. I am honored to wear it proudly as a breast cancer survivor.
- Published in breast cancer