Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is designated as breast cancer awareness month nationally. October was first designated as breast cancer awareness month back in 1985. It is now my favorite month. Not only is it my birthday month, but this month now has special meaning to me, as a breast cancer survivor.
October is about more than pink ribbons and wearing pink. It is about early detection through monthly breast self exams and/or mammograms.
Breast Cancer Awareness Facts
One in eight women will develop breast cancer during their lifetime. Ironically this means that among a group of eight friends, it is likely that one of them will develop breast cancer.
This year it is estimated that over 252,000 women in the US will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Consequently, it is estimated that over 41,000 people will die of breast cancer this year.
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. Moreover, it is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death in women.
Breast cancer is treatable if detected early. In fact, there is a 98% survival rate if detected early.
October is dedicated to breast cancer awareness. To help raise that awareness, my goal this month is to share breast cancer facts throughout the month. As we know, knowledge is power and it is important to know your risk factors. Knowing these risk factors, will hopefully help women to reduce or even remove those risk factors that are modifiable. For those risk factors that can not be changed, it is equally important to know where you stand. Spread the word to heighten the awareness of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month