My husband and I had the very fortunate opportunity to become volunteers with an organization called CanCare in March of 2018.

CanCare Volunteers
What Is It?
CanCare is a non-profit cancer support service. The mission is to improve the quality of life for cancer survivors and their families.
CanCare was first started in Houston, Texas. The organization now has over 600 trained volunteers. Many of these volunteers have survived cancer. The volunteers are matched with clients who are experiencing the same or a very similar cancer. Clients are also matched to volunteers based on other criteria such as; location, similar treatment, age, and gender. The volunteers represent more than 75 different cancer types.
CanCare volunteers provide one on one emotional support. This support can be by phone, text, email or in person. This support may also be once or may develop into an ongoing relationship. This is totally dependent on the client.
A very important part of going though the journey of cancer is the ongoing support and help of caregivers. Caregivers are often those loved ones or family members, such as a spouse, child or parent. Likewise, caregivers can also be close friends or other relatives. However, in any event caregivers need support as well. Your cancer journey can be just as difficult and emotional for your caregiver. CanCare is here to help.
Emotional Support
Unfortunately for my husband and I, we did not learn about CanCare during OUR journey. Once we learned of the organization we immediately knew we wanted to give back in this way. We wanted to help other families get through the journey by being that listening ear and glimmer of hope. As volunteers, we know how beneficial it would have been to have someone support us during this journey. Make no mistake we had the support of our family during such a tough time. In light of that, what was missing was the support of someone who had actually been on our same journey firsthand.
Like myself, my husband was not interested in support groups. We did not want to sit in the room of other like ourselves comparing stories. Nonetheless, many people find that support groups meets their need. On the contrary, CanCare is different since it provides one on one support
Get Involved
Through CanCare, my husband and I are now blessed to be able to support five people, to date, on their journeys.
CanCare is a self referral program, therefore if you or someone you know has been diagnosed with any type of cancer, please encourage them to reach out to CanCare. Likewise, if you know someone who is a caregiver to someone diagnosed this cancer, encourage them to reach out to CanCare as well. Emotional support goes a long way and can often help survivors and caregivers get through the physical challenges a little better.